Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2010 FIFA World Cup Coke Can - #9 The Makossa

A long-time friend recently returned from Africa, and, as he always does when away on travels, he brought me a can of Coke from there. It is one of ten FIFA South Africa World Cup 2010 commemorative cans depicting the celebrations during the World Cup. Celebration #9 - The Makossa is what this can reads. So, what the heck is the Makossa, and what's it about? I enjoy soccer (uhm, my pardons, football), but I don't follow the culture or the news on it, so I dug a little farther....

In the 1990 World Cup, Roger Milla became the first African player to score a goal in the World Cup. Milla danced his now legendary “Makossa’ or “corner dance” in front of a Coca Cola advertising board. He became an icon for players and fans the world over, as well as global ambassador for Coca Cola’s football sponsorship.

Have a look at the commercial put out by Coca-Cola - Roger Milla is the first one

So, I'm off to do some research on the other nine cans...anyone out there have a can that they want to proudly share with us?